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Theme Issue Dark Blue Maybe All Of the Dark Themes

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:35 am
Author: DjPorkchop
I noticed while working on a girls IM 1.4.1 website for her that, if you go to anyone's profile page and add them as a buddy, then come back and view their profile, the ignore button is not there. So while I'm at it, I'm guessing the ignore Remove button does not work either.

I have looked at the files and the icons are in the file. I looked at the cfg file and all code is accounted for. My next stop obviously enough is a tpl file. Where might I find this? She claimed it used to work and I claim that it never did. I went to my Integra site using the Dark themes as well, and it don't work on it neither.

How might we fix this?

Re: Theme Issue Dark Blue Maybe All Of the Dark Themes

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:34 am
Author: Teelk
I'm not entirely certain, since I'm not in a position to look at it right now. But, this may be by design, albeit a perhaps flawed design. But, if you think about it, the thought "why would you want to ignore your friends?" may have crossed the author's mind. Unless I'm misunderstanding.

It is most likely in both the php and tpl codes as a switch... I'll bookmark this, but give it a bump in a little while just in case I forget. I'm still in the process of turning my computer into a dev box again.

EDIT: Reread the topic subject, are you saying this occurs only on some themes or on all themes?

Re: Theme Issue Dark Blue Maybe All Of the Dark Themes

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 1:52 pm
Author: DjPorkchop
First off, Holy smokes Teelk! It's been a long time glad to see you back on the boards.

And I'm not real sure if it happens on all of the dark themes or not. So far I know it is the Blue and green ones. And you are correct. I can't see wanting to ignore ones friends either. It was just something that was brought to my attention while I was working on a girls wesbite for her. Then just to verify it, I went and looked at mine and it was the same way.

I don't really think the girl was trying to make it so she could ignore her friends. I think what she was after is, annoying users. So if Joe Shmoe was giving you a load of BS in pm's and on the boards, you could simply visit their profile and click Ignore user. Wether or not the person is your friend, the ignore button does not show.

Re: Theme Issue Dark Blue Maybe All Of the Dark Themes

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 6:08 pm
Author: Teelk
First off, Holy smokes Teelk! It's been a long time glad to see you back on the boards.

Thanks MWE_001, it's good to be back.

This very well could be a case of missing images or code in the template files. I'll take a look as soon as I'm settled.

Re: Theme Issue Dark Blue Maybe All Of the Dark Themes

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:59 pm
Author: DjPorkchop
No worries. It's no biggie just something she noticed and brought up to me.