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Adding a mod to the BBcode file

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:59 am
Author: jackflack
Your phpBB Version: 2.0.21
phpBB Type: Integramod 140
MODs: Yes
Your knowledge: Basic Knowledge
Board URL:

PHP Version:
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What was done before the problem appeared?
No problems yet

What was done to try to solve the problem?
Haven't installed yet

De.scription and Message

I know I am running an old version of just about everything, but I am truly just waiting until 2.0 with phpbb3.0. So I need some guidance on adding this mod to my site. It's designed for phpbb 3.0 but I am sure its backwards compatible since it originally ran on 2.XX ... hp?f=2&t=2

This is what they want installed.


Code: Select all
[char={TEXT1}]{TEXT2}[/char]  <script> if(tipcount){ tipcount = tipcount + 1; } else { var tipcount = 1 } document.write("<span></span>"); sendRequest_char("{TEXT1}", "tip-"+tipcount, "{TEXT2}", "en"); </script><no>[{TEXT1}]</no>


Code: Select all
[wow]{TEXT}[/wow]  <script> if(tipcount){ tipcount = tipcount + 1; } else { var tipcount = 1 } document.write("<span></span>"); sendRequest("{TEXT}", "tip-"+tipcount, "en"); </script><no>[{TEXT}]</no>

And this goes in the overall_header.html (I think I got that one down since I have made changes before).

Code: Select all

I just need directory links to the files i need to change, and where to make the changes. I tried what I thought would work, but it didn't so I undid the changes.

Thanks in advance,
