Changing just the names is not sufficient at all to clone a theme...
Open theme_info.cfg, you'll see something like this:
- Code: Select all
//// phpBB 2.x auto-generated theme config file for fisubice// Do not change anything in this file!//////fisubice Theme//$fisubice[0]['template_name'] = "fisubice";$fisubice[0]['style_name'] = "FI Subice";$fisubice[0]['head_stylesheet'] = "fisubice.css";$fisubice[0]['body_background'] = "";$fisubice[0]['body_bgcolor'] = "";$fisubice[0]['body_text'] = "";$fisubice[0]['body_link'] = "";$fisubice[0]['body_vlink'] = "";$fisubice[0]['body_alink'] = "";$fisubice[0]['body_hlink'] = "";$fisubice[0]['tr_color1'] = "";$fisubice[0]['tr_color2'] = "";$fisubice[0]['tr_color3'] = "";$fisubice[0]['tr_class1'] = "";$fisubice[0]['tr_class2'] = "";$fisubice[0]['tr_class3'] = "";$fisubice[0]['th_color1'] = "";$fisubice[0]['th_color2'] = "";$fisubice[0]['th_color3'] = "";$fisubice[0]['th_class1'] = "";$fisubice[0]['th_class2'] = "";$fisubice[0]['th_class3'] = "";$fisubice[0]['td_color1'] = "";$fisubice[0]['td_color2'] = "";$fisubice[0]['td_color3'] = "";$fisubice[0]['td_class1'] = "row1";$fisubice[0]['td_class2'] = "row2";$fisubice[0]['td_class3'] = "";$fisubice[0]['fontface1'] = "";$fisubice[0]['fontface2'] = "";$fisubice[0]['fontface3'] = "";$fisubice[0]['fontsize1'] = "0";$fisubice[0]['fontsize2'] = "0";$fisubice[0]['fontsize3'] = "0";$fisubice[0]['fontcolor1'] = "";$fisubice[0]['fontcolor2'] = "006600";$fisubice[0]['fontcolor3'] = "ff0000";$fisubice[0]['span_class1'] = "";$fisubice[0]['span_class2'] = "";$fisubice[0]['span_class3'] = "";$fisubice[0]['img_size_poll'] = "0";$fisubice[0]['img_size_privmsg'] = "0";...
As you can see, ther'es a array declared there which is named like your theme name, "
$fisubice" here for instance.
You have to replace all occurence with your new theme's name.
The best way for cloning a theme, and for developping web applications in general, is to use an advanced text editor with some powerfull search/replace functionnalities. I personally use Ultraedit or Dreamweaver.
By this way, all you have to do when cloning a theme is]fisubise.css[/i] to
yournewtheme.css and so on...
* then with your (powerfull) editor, you perform a search of all "fisubice" text occurences in all the file of your template folder, and you replace them with your new theme's name.
* save all files, upload the folder, go to ACP/extreme styles and Install the nex theme.
You are done
Hope it helps