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141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl

Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:47 pm
Author: viragotech
141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl
trying to remove the "TOPIC_REVIEW_BOX" box from the reply page.
I usually have no trouble removing bits like that but some reason with it gone the whole page goes funky.
Re: 141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl

Wed Mar 23, 2011 11:45 pm
Author: viragotech
Unless Im trying to edit the wrong file.
When you click reply, I want the topic review box of other post gone.
Re: 141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl

Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:37 pm
Author: viragotech
Did I step in dog crap and not know it???
Reason is our 141 forum is goofed, constant run away queries.
No real hope in sight cept for IM3. Helter has gone above n beyond the call helping us.
Id like to lose that topic review box as its just one more query that has to run.
As you can see the load delay in that box as it waits for data sometimes.
I usually have no trouble playing with templates, removing what’s obvious but I’m no coder.
Or am I missing an obvious setting somewhere in the ACP???
I have been playing with IM3 Beta so much, I have forgot where all the settings in 141 are.
Re: 141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl

Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:57 pm
Author: Helter
to remove it from the template, open your template/posting_body.tpl
- Code: Select all
- Code: Select all
Re: 141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl

Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:06 pm
Author: viragotech
"HelterSkelter" wrote:to remove it from the template, open your template/posting_body.tpl
- Code: Select all
- Code: Select all
That wouldn't work for me, stilled showed up.
I poked around more and I can make it work [go away] by wiping the posting_topic_review.tpl file blank but didn't know if that was smart or not??? [posting seems to work ok]
I did leave the first line but have no clue if that matters, just a guess but
"I dumb too. I mean, you knew that though, yeah? Because I did send out a press release. I ate a bunch of them. I'm dumb.""<script></script>
Re: 141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl

Fri Mar 25, 2011 3:54 pm
Author: Helter
maybe it is in there twice? or it is a cache issue that you can sort by going to acp eXtreme Styles/ and delete the cache for your theme
Re: 141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl

Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:28 pm
Author: viragotech
"HelterSkelter" wrote:maybe it is in there twice? or it is a cache issue that you can sort by going to acp eXtreme Styles/ and delete the cache for your theme
No; I did member to clear the cache when checking <img> only way I could make it work was the wipe that file blank. posting_topic_review.tpl
other wise when I tried the arrows or just removing that bit of code, when it loaded the only thing I could see was the attachmet buttons, message box n smiles box n rest all gone.
Like with out that there, the formating for the page is all goofed n stuff don't show right.
Re: 141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl

Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:13 pm
Author: Helter
post your posting_body.tpl
Re: 141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl

Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:07 am
Author: viragotech
Re: 141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl

Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:19 pm
Author: Helter
just to make sure were on the same page... Your referring to this?[attachment=0:h2ywvb68]topic_review.gif[/attachment:h2ywvb68]
Re: 141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl

Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:53 pm
Author: viragotech
"HelterSkelter" wrote:just to make sure were on the same page... Your referring to this?[attachment=0:1yy1sfg4]topic_review.gif[/attachment:1yy1sfg4]
Yep, thats it. I can take a screen cap of what it does if you want later.
Will have to do it when things slow down at night.
Re: 141 Integra2 posting_body.tpl

Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:28 am
Author: Helter
the only thing on the page calling for topic review is this code {TOPIC_REVIEW_BOX}.
without that code it is not possible for topic review to show. The only explanation is cache or your ftp client is not completing the transaction.
be sure your editing the posting_body.tpl for the template your viewing. after you edit the file, close it out and open it again and see if your edit is still there.